No to War not to NATO

No to War not to NATO

Today the global Network ‘No to War no to NATO‘ gathered to discuss the NATO 2030 agenda.


Tamara Lorincz (NATO 2030 general); Reiner Braun (NATO 2030 and EU); Joseph Gerson (NATO 2030 and the US); Kristine Karch (NATO 2030 and Women); Angelo Cardona (NATO 2030 and Youth).


  • NATO 2030 arose from the declaration from the NATO Summit in London in December 2019 – the declaration called on NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to initiate a “proposal for a forward-looking reflection process, drawing on relevant expertise, to further strengthen NATO’s political dimension”
  • In March 2020 – Stoltenberg appointed a group of 10 experts for the NATO 2030 – 5 men and 5 women  (
  • In June 2020 – Stoltenberg announced this new campaign called “NATO 2030” in an online conversation with the Atlantic Council and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. That webinar is available online.
  • Five months later, in November, NATO released its Expert Group’s reflection Report “NATO 2030: United for a New Era”
  • In December there was a big public relations roll out for NATO 2030
  • The institute Carnegie Europe held an hour-long webinar about this initiative “NATO Adapting to a New World” “
  • There’s a web page dedicated to NATO 2030:
  • There’s a massive social media campaign #NATO2030 with #WeAreNATO

About the Report

  • The 67-page report is the analysis and recommendations of the expert group
  • It identifies 13 challenges and threats: 1. Russia, 2. China, 3. Emerging & Disruptive Technologies, 4. Terrorism, 5. The South, 6. Arms Control & Deterrence, 7. Energy Security, 8. Climate & Green Defence, 9. Human Security & WPS, 10. Pandemics and Natural Disasters, 11. Hybrid and Cyber Threats, 12. Outer Space and 13. Strategic Communications
  • There are many recommendations – one of the recommendations is a new strategic concept
  • NATO 2030 is very much an expansion project for NATO – politically, financially and geographically
  • KEY POINT = Military strength and political solidarity
  • Calling for more money for the military and for political operations
  • Talks about its Open Door Policy – to bring in Ukraine, Georgia, Bosnia into the alliance
  • The two major targets are Russia and China – inflates the threat against these two countries
  • Maintain a nuclear deterrence and new focus on AI
  • There is a focus on increasing public and youth support and on greater scientific and research

My reaction to the report

  • My overall assessment = its an extremely dangerous and provocative expansion project that we must resist
  • Keeps us hostage to Cold War thinking and military posture
  • Talks about the Threat of the South – veiled racist concern about refugees into Europe – no acknowledgement from its wars – NATO war against Libya and Afghanistan and Iraq & Syria
  • Doesn’t really say anything about the catastrophic threat of climate change – reducing emissions, “modulating emissions”
  • This NATO 2030 report references the 1967 NATO Harmel Report that was entitled “The Report of the Council on the Future Tasks of the Alliance” considered seminal
  • It was led and prepared by Belgian Foreign Minister Pierre Harmel at the time
  • Seven years earlier, in 1960 – Belgium orchestrated the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo (this was a coup that was coordinated by Belgian, US and Canada)
  • It reminds me that NATO is fundamentally a racist, violent white supremacist organization
  • NATO is an alliance of only 30 members – supposedly defending 1 billion people, but most of the world, the rest of the 6 billion people, and 163 UN members states are not in NATO

What’s Missing in the Report?

  • The United Nations is mentioned three times in passing
  • No mention of the Paris Agreement target of 2030
  • No mention of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030
  • No mention of poverty alleviation or of development
  • The word “Disarmament” is mentioned twice with no substance in the section on “Arms Control and Nuclear Deterrence”
  • No accountability for NATO’s aggression, wars and lies

Ideas for What to Do

  • NATO 2030 is a dangerous and provocative agenda that must be strongly resisted by the peace movement
  • We need to raise awareness about it – A statement against “NATO 2030”
  • Counter this on social media with No to NATO 2030 / We Are NOT NATO
  • Plan a counter-summit – major virtual conference with a Youth Against NATO panel
  • Could we host a webinar with European Parliamentarians Against NATO – i.e. Clare Daly, Jeremy Corbyn other political leaders
  • Is there money to hire a young person to help with the No to NATO counter-summit?


  • NATO’s new strategy is the new program of the Biden government
  • It’s a war-oriented program, very dangerous
  • Political consultation – with the allies and also with the European Union, coordinating activities between NATO and the EU, NATO and EU creating a common vision, US wants to militarize the EU through this agenda, NATO 2030 gives the US greater political leverage in the EU
  • Increase military spending even under the pandemic, NATO 2030 is calling for a new coordination system, yearly summits between EU and NATO, US is putting more pressure on allies to increase spending
  • Military industrial complex of the US and of EU = it should be on one line, US wants to EU to reduce its military industries so that its weapons manufacturers benefit
  • Controversy between two legs = EU and NATO
  • More containment of Russia and encirclement of China
  • More exercises and more cooperation and coordination between EU and NATO
  • More burden sharing demanded by NATO and US on the allies
  • NATO putting pressure to militarize EU
  • This new NATO paper is confrontational and aggressive
  • There are some key differences with the 1967 Harmel report


  • Concerned about the aggressive dimensions of this new initiative
  • Focus on China
  • Little public awareness of NATO in US and not on US peace movement’s radar
  • NATO 2030 is beyond Biden, it’s the liberal establishment approach to US hegemony, US strengthening alliances to maintain US power, US power is reinforced by the alliances
  • NATO 2030 reflects strategic doctrine of 2018 – Russia and China identified as peer competitors
  • Statement by Charles Richard, STRATCOM, concerned of threats from Russia and China, preparation for nuclear war, primary threat is China from US military perspective / See:
  • US-Russia tensions will increase not withstanding New START extension
  • Massive hacking of US government – example of Russian aggression that will justify greater militarization
  • Military spending in US – need to revitalize economy in face of pandemic, need $1.9 trillion relief package, in spring there will be debate on national budget and priorities, Joseph doesn’t expect reduction of military, stay the same, more pressure on allies to increase their military budgets
  • EU-China trade agreement – tension with US
  • NATO 2030 is about increasing integration with military operations – division of labour, US will place greater emphasis on NATO in Europe to confront Russia and US will focus on China Kristine – NATO AND WOMEN, PEACE AND SECURITY (WPS)
  • Discusses NATO’s Women, Peace and Security (WPS)
  • NATO puts WPS with its Human Security chapter in the report
  • Trying to increase more women in their militaries, more women in exercises and operations
  • NATO ignores other aspects of UNSC resolution 1325 on WPS like including more women in decision making for conflict, prevention, conflict resolution, peacebuilding and decision-making
  • NATO has a special representative  for WPS (it’s a Canadian woman Claire Hutchinson):
  • NATO claims to care about human dignity but it is a military alliance – patriarchal structure that reproduces Western masculinity, military & hegemony, responsible for tremendous gender-based violence
  • NATO ignores nonviolent conflict resolution, care for each other, care for the planet, solidarity
  •  We have to get rid of NATO otherwise we won’t get to human security and achieve a peaceful, just world
  • We need to work harder to call for the abolition of NATO Angelo Cardona – YOUTH Against NATO
  • NATO Youth Summit held in November 2020, 100 youth from member countreis and global partners
  • Stoltenberg said “NATO 2030 is about your future and freedom. NATO 2030 is a chance for you to step up”
  • NATO Youth panel = 14 youth selected
  • Trying to increase awareness and support by youth for NATO
  • NATO will start at NATO University to inculcate NATO values
  • We have to counter NATO’s notion of “security
  • We should launch a “Youth Network Against NATO” – Angelo is starting to reach out to other young people to cooperate, he wants to create a movement against NATO, he will hold a youth summit against NATO